Things to Do In and Around Bavaria

Bavaria is a state in south-eastern Germany that boasts an impressive array of things to do, see and partake in. Hire a car in Munich and enjoy the delights that this major state has to offer, which just happens to be beautifully picturesque and idyllic.


Here we're going to share some fantastic things for you to do in and around Bavaria, including a must-see castle and a beautiful stretch of road that just has to be driven on…


Neuschwanstein Castle

This is the world's most famous castle and looks like something out of a fairy tale. Nestled in the Bavarian Alps, this too-stunning-for-words piece of architecture was completed in the late 1800s. King Ludwig II designed his dream castle with the help of a theatrical set designer, and the result is something you have to see for yourself, with both the exterior and interior impressing to the extreme.



No trip to Bavaria would be complete without exploring the capital. Enjoy what the main square - Marienplatz - has to offer, the gorgeous park of The English Garden and the city's largest church in The Catholic Cathedral of Our Blessed Lady. These are just some of the must-see sights in this wonderful city.


Romantic Road

As the name suggests, this is a road that you're bound to fall in love with. It's a 261-mile scenic drive through the state - from the Franconia wine country it leads all the way to Neuschwanstein in the foothills of the German Alps. But it's the magical sights along this drive that really do the talking. You get a real flavour for Bavarian culture, with its charming villages and romantic feel.



For something truly stunning, how about visiting the Königssee lake near the Austrian border? Most of it is situated in the Berchtesgaden National Park, and its emerald-green waters are out of this world. It's surrounded by excellent hiking trails, which is one of the best ways to appreciate the views - as well as travelling across the water as well, of course.


These are just some of the fantastic things you can do in Bavaria. Planning to tick these must-visit attractions off your bucket list? Discover how you can get around Bavaria by car.