Five Free Things to Do In Leeds throughout October

So today we’re talking about five free things to do in Leeds throughout October. Leeds is a great place to visit, it’s my home-town and I have so much love for it so I’m really excited to be able to share some things to do in October with you today.

1. Roundhay Park is a beautiful, scenic greenspace with a gorgeous lake and acres of land. Nothing beats putting your wellies on and stomping in the autumn leaves around the park in October. I actually run around Roundhay Park most weeks and it’s great to see how it changes as the weather gets a little cooler. The park is beautiful when leaves start to change colour, plus it’s completely free. It’s great exercise too walking around the lake and taking in some fresh Yorkshire air.

2. Kirkstall Abbey is a beautiful landmark in Leeds - think 12th century ruins steeped in history. This area is so beautiful and well worth a visit. You could easily spend a full afternoon here, even though October isn’t picnic weather. They are hosting some great outdoor cinema events for Halloween at the end of the month too.

3. The Leeds City Museum is a must visit, offering four floors of history for you to explore. When I first walked into this museum I couldn’t believe it was free. It’s a really good museum, so good that I’ve visited it a fair few times now as things always seem to change in there. Leeds Art Gallery has a collection of 20th-century British art which is well worth seeing too. If you like sculptures though, a walk in the city centre is nice too as there are so many beautiful sculptures around Leeds - I particularly like the big horse inside Trinity shopping centre so make sure you keep an eye out for that.

4. Light Night is an annual festival, taking place on Friday 9th October across a whole host of venues in Leeds city centre. There are over 50 free arts events across the evening so there’s definitely something for everyone. You can follow one of the trails, walk in a night light lantern parade, take part in an art run or even just jump on the free light night rider. It’s a really fun event, particularly if you like arts events.

5. Leeds Sky Ride - British cycling and Sky want more people to ride their bikes. Throughout October there are events on in various areas of Leeds (included huge traffic-free cycling events, women-online rides and more) so that you can get out and fall in love with cycling. There are also people on hand to offer you support, tips, ideas and give you some great routes. I know many people who have taken part in the Sky ride and they love it, from total beginners to pro cyclists. It’s just a really nice way to get out and see Leeds in a different way.


Credit and thanks to Em Sheldon for contributing to Hertz Together. You can find more out about Em on her blog