Gallery of Modern Art

Location: Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow

Daily, 10am-5pm (Fri & Sun 11am-5pm)


Glasgow is a hotbed of artistic talent, evident through the wealth of big names that studied in the city - many of whom will no doubt have been influenced by a visit to GoMA. If you're on Royal Exchange Square, getting there is simple - just look for the hugely impressive building with a statue of the Duke of Wellington outside. GoMA has a remarkable collection of work along with lectures and discussions celebrating the cream of Glasgow's world-famous art community. There's also a weekly drop-in art session on Saturdays for kids, to get your little Picassos thinking about their place in the art world.collection of work along with lectures and discussions celebrating the cream of Glasgow's world-famous art community. There's also a weekly drop-in art session on Saturdays for kids, to get your little Picassos thinking about their place in the art world.