4 Spring Resolutions to Consider

With more hours of sunlight, warmer weather and blooming flowers, it’s no wonder many of us begin to feel refreshed and renewed as spring approaches.

However, it’s also by springtime that most of our January New Year’s resolutions have fallen by the wayside. Spring is, therefore, the ideal time to treat yourself to a fresh start and set some goals for the year ahead. Here we’ve rounded up fourgreatspringresolutionsthatmighthelpyouenjoylife that little bit more:

1. Visit somewhere new

Fresh air, a spot of sunshine, green fields, country walks; what could be better than Britain’s countryside in spring?

The clocks go forward on the last Sunday in March, officially kicking off British Summer Time. This spring, why not consider a trip to Kent, affectionately nicknamed “The Garden of England” to see what’s in bloom at Hever Castle, Goodnestone Park Gardens, or Leeds Castle?

Or if you’re in the mood for something a bit more romantic, why not rent a car and head to the Cotswolds or Glyndebourne? Wineries in Kent and Sussex are open for tastings and dining, even though this year’s grape harvest is still months away.

Those who find themselves in the mood for a wilder adventure might like to visit Wales for a walk around the coast. If bird-watching is your thing, consider a trip to the Farne Islands, where colourful puffins take up residence between April and July.

If you’d like to spend more time exploring new places, wherever they may be, check out our inspired British breaks travel guides and our nearest Hertz rental car branches. We are sure to have a vehicle to suit your journey.

2. Freshen up your home with a Spring Clean

Open the windows, turn on some upbeat music, (we’ve got a few  Spotify playlists that may help), and clean your home from top to bottom. Spring cleaning is a ritual that might leave you feeling pleasantly exhausted once you’ve cleared away anything that fails to bring you joy.

After you’ve done your share of dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing, and mopping up, why not dig deep into your wardrobe and clear away items that you won’t be wearing anytime soon? This makes way for a few trendy new pieces or if you prefer, leaves you with a more minimalistic wardrobe that makes dressing a little easier each day.

Click the link to check out our complete  spring cleaning guide on how to conquer the clutter, including:

  • Expert decluttering tricks
  • How to rid unwanted items the eco-friendly way
  • Tips on selling, donating and recycling
  • How to hire a Hertz van to make the process a lot easier

3. Care for Britain’s environment

You’ve taken out the recycling along with your spring cleaning. What’s next? Here are some ideas for doing your part in the effort to freshen up Britain’s environment:

  • Start a compost heap in the garden
  • If you have a little one, consider swapping to cloth nappies and using a nappy washing service to cut back on water and energy use
  • Turn down the central heating. Now that it’s springtime, you can wear a jumper during the cooler part of the day
  • Swap to reusable containers instead of choosing single-use plastics. For example, airtight food containers are perfect for everything from leftovers to lunch. Plastic carrier bags are the scourge of the ocean, so avoid them if you can and reuse them if you must. Choose a canvas tote and you’ll be doing everyone a favour
  • Swap old light bulbs for compact fluorescent bulbs. You’ll pay a little more up front for these lights, but they use far less energy and they have a lifespan of about eight times as long as incandescent bulbs. Better still, try to just use as much natural light as possible, it’s much better for the environment and your sleeping habits, too
  • Choose a no- or low-phosphate washing powder or washing-up liquid. Phosphates might not seem like a big deal but they stimulate algal growth in our water supply. This lowers oxygen levels, which in turn kills our fish and plants
  • Have a garden? If not, consider looking into an allotment so that you can grow some of your own food. This reduces your costs and it cuts back on the amount of energy used for transporting fresh fruits and veg

4. Be a tourist in your own town

In this day and age, our lives are often so busy that we don't get to spend enough time exploring what’s on our doorstep. This particularly rings true in big cities, where new shops, cafes and areas of interest are popping up all the time.

So this spring, why not go on an adventure a little closer to home?

Waking up in a hotel or an Airbnb is a great way to get inspired to explore, so if you live in a rural part of town, head into the city for a night, or visa-versa. Make sure to Google top places to visit so you have an itinerary for the next day, and don’t forget to find a cafe or restaurant you’ve never been to before to stop for lunch. Oh, and make sure to take lots of photos - this will just add to the ‘holiday’ feel!

Alternatively, you can also vow to spend more time in your local area by setting off on a little walk or jog each morning. Instead of your usual route, try switching it up, and take time to enjoy the scenery along the way. Similarly, next time you go out to eat, why not try the newest food joint? You'll be surprised how these little changes can open your eyes to how great your own area is, as well as giving you a taste for adventure.

So there you have it! Spring resolutions can be a lot of fun – and they can bring some unexpected benefits your way. Let us know if you’ve decided to take up any Spring Resolutions and send us a Tweet @HertzUK