Organising car hire in Gela, a town in the Caltanissetta province of Southern Sicily, is the perfect opportunity to explore Sicily. Recent redevelopment and new university faculties of Palermo and Catania being opened in Gela has given the town some renewed life. Hiring a car in Gela enables you to access Agrigento and Ragusa, the two cities Gela is located between, in one hour, eight minutes and one hour, thirteen minutes respectively. Visit our local branch to let us help you sort it out.
Former Glory
Though Gela is less aesthetically pleasing than other Sicilian towns (largely due to the location of the oil refinery intended to boost the area's economy), it has some must-see attractions; the Archaeological Museum is one of these. With remnants from Greek times, when it was the most important city in Sicily, the museum has some real finds. Hiring a car in Gela allows access across the town to the museum, at the east end. Next to the museum are the remains of an acropolis, from which Etna can be seen (on a clear day). Rent a car in Gela and experience the town, before exploring the more aesthetically-pleasing Ragusa and Agrigento.