Positioned on the Sarthe River is the urban centre of Le Mans, renowned for the 24 hour race that is held annually on the outskirts of the city. Although celebrated for its racing, there's a lot more to Le Mans than meets the eye. It's also a wonderful history rich area waiting to be discovered and explored. Accessible via Paris, hiring a car in Le Mans is a flexible means of appreciating the urban landscape; our unit can be found just a short distance from the city centre. Choosing to hire a car in Le Mans is a brilliant way of connecting with the city on a more intimate level.
With so much to do in the city, hiring a car in Le Mans is a worthwhile option if you want to enjoy spectacular sights such as the La Nuit des Chimeres. This scenic walk turns into a 'magical light show' as images are projected onto the exquisite buildings that line the quaint cobbled streets; what was already a stunning architectural haven becomes an enchanted attraction that you can appreciate for hours. You can also rent a car in Le Mans and take a nine minute drive to the historic Abbeye de L'Epau, and enjoy the tranquillity of this religious structure.