Brasilia is in central Brazil, superceding Rio de Janeiro as the capital of the country in 196. Brasilia is profoundly unique, being built under the stewardship of then-president Juscelino Kubitschek as a vision of modernity. The aptly-named Monumental Axis runs through the centre of the city, provding an awesome sense of space, and the Oscar Niemeyer-designed buildings give a character like no other city on earth. Admire the architectural curiosity of the Cathedral of Brasilia, the Kubitschek Bridge or the National Congress. Car hire in Brasilia is practically essential due to the city's vast nature, and if you want to see sights like the Kubitschek Memorial, there are few other ways of getting around.
Brasilia is an architects dream. Niemeyer is to Brasilia what Gaudi is to Barcelona, and the city's churches provide an insight into Brasilia's overwhelmingly modernist character. Brasilia Cathedral or Cathedral Metropolitana, as it's sometimes known, is unlike any European cathedral in its sweeping curves and vast crown-like structure. Hiring a car in Brasilia is essential if you're visiting these and other sights. Equally as impressive is the Santuário Dom Bosco, which has a functional square design and spectacular stained glass windows, bathing the interior in tranquil blue light. The National Congress is a symbol of the city's status as capital, and is surrounded by the beautiful Praça dos Trãs Poderes (Three Powers Square). For decent amenities and balmy evening life, head to the Pontão do Lago Sul and its wonderful lakeside setting.